Would you use this calculator app?


Hi girls! I'm an engineer ttc and as such I can't deal with uncertainty and I'm obsessed about statistics and probabilities. So I developed my own day to day pregnancy probability calculator which gives me:

1) the chances that I'm pregnant as of today

2) the chances that a hpt will be positive today

3) the most likely day to get the first bfp if pregnant

It recalculates every day considering the passing of time and other inputs that modify the results and show a trend.

Inputs include: age, fertility method, day of transfer, quality and quantity of the embryos, hpt results and it's dates, symptoms, spotting etc

I've thought that other women in my same situation could benefit from it if I publish it as an app. But it requires time and I also acknowledge that not everyone is as obsessed about probabilities as I am and many prefer to just wait two weeks and get the beta.

Would you use it?

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