Anyone else not responding to femara & FSH injections?


I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this- I responded well to the exact same protocol last cycle and I am experiencing a different outcome so far this cycle.... I took femara/letrozole days 4-8, and injected FSH days 8-10, I'm on cycle day 10 day now, went to my RE this morning, and the ultrasound showed a very thin uterine lining and my largest two follicles are only at 12. I did this exact same protocol last cycle, even the cycle days for the meds are the same. I ended up pregnant, although I unfortunately miscarried due to low progesterone (we have a plan for that this time around). I was expecting everything to go the same. I responded beautifully last cycle, I produced three mature follicles and the <a href="">IUI</a> worked! Has anyone experienced a change in response to the same protocol? And if you have, what was the outcome? Please share your stories, good and bad with me. I'm not sure what to expect. RE says it can go any direction from here, we'll do another ultrasound on cycle day 13 to check for growth and hopefully be able to schedule the <a href="">IUI</a>.