Home schooling

Destinee🐾 • Pregnant with #3 ❤ wife life 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 love my 4 doggies 😍

Hi everyone

My son is 2, so I know we have some time to discuss it further. I have my heart set on homeschooling my son but my husband is against it. He is a very social man and an extravert. He thinks our son won't get enough interaction with other children and people. I try to explain to him if our son decides he would like to try homeschooling, I would find a group of other moms and kids to do activities with. But he just won't even hear it! It seems it starts a fight every time I even mention it. Hes very stubborn. What should I do to help the situation? Maybe understand him better or get him to listen to me about it! Also some advice or home schooling stories would be helpful too!