Sex talk!!! - EMCS postnatal

Hi, I had my little girl on 18th August 2017,

She is a month old on Tuesday. Basically I ended up having an emergency c-section early hours of the 18th as my body wasn't dilating and her heart kept dropping so they took the decision to operate to save her. I've tried to not over do it however me and my OH have always had a very active sex like, when I was pregnant we couldn't get enough of it. - we tried sex when I was 3 weeks PP, being very careful as not to go too fast or hard etc, and I was ok, since then we have had abit of a build up. (I don't see him all the time as he works away so only see him weekends) since the first time we have done it two more times and I have felt fine after etc.

I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone has been in my position and everything was fine with the wound area (know I was suppose to wait till the 6 weeks but I was told by HV that when I'm ready)

Tia xx