Furious with management!!!


Okay I love my department, I love what I do, but I'm tired of feeling fucked over by management! I have worked at my job for a little over a year now, I started when my department first opened in the store. When I first started I could only work part time because I was finishing my senior year of high school. Our department requires 12 employees but for the past 3 months we've been running it with 6 people, working each of ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Since I graduated at the end of May I have been telling the hiring manager that I would like to work full time. One, because money is a struggle with bills and two, because I no longer have insurance because I lost CHIP in April when I turned 19 and don't qualify for United Health Care because of my SO family who I lived with income. The hiring manager has told me everytime Ive asked that they would not be filling any full time positions because of going over in payroll. So Ive sat and have waited for something to change because I was told I would be alerted when they could afford to hire a full time position. Well two new people have recently started in my department and one has hired on as full time! Now a full time person has been let go recently who had to leave for medical reasons and aparently there is a new girl starting Saturday and if she is full time I'm going to quit. I just cant believe this.