Trigger warning!!!! I was rapped.

I was rapped. When I was 16 and in a relationship I told him no and he continued to use his weight to push me down and have sex with me after I SAID NO. I can talk about it so easily because I either haven't dealt with the feelings or I have so well. I told my friend this year, she said "no I don't think you were rapped I think you were sexually assaulted". No I was rapped. "Well you guys were together and because he didn't hit you and you really only said you didn't want him to then let him I don't think you were rapped". No I was rapped. Stop making victims feels stupid because you want to justify want some shitty man did. I was RAPPED. I SAID NO. Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean it's fucking okay just because he didn't punch me in the face doesn't mean it wasn't rape. I said no. I can not get all my emotions of hate that I feel when she said it wasn't rape. She told me " me and you have different views on what rape is". Rape is when you don't give consent. When you say no and they continue to have sexual intercourse with you. Just to let everyone know I did report it and everything was taken care of. No questions about it. Victims are victims don't make them feel stupid this is one of the many reasons why people won't speak out besides fear.