Morning sickness all day!

Saturday I woke up and my nausea was bad, like this is where I think it finally peaked, (I'm 6w4d) except when I would feel sick I would sit over the trash can and only dry heave. The only liquid coming up seemed like stomach acid/spit/7-up and it was only a tiny bit. Yesterday I had the same problem with the dry heaving but just a little more liquid.

Finally onto today, Monday. I'm in college so I woke up for class and woke my boyfriend up as well except only one of us made it to class today. As soon as I started to get up and wake up my face was over the trash can and I was puking and this time it was clear liquid, then afternoon it was yellowish (probably crackers I ate), and finally tonight...

I started managing to keep stuff down. I ate one and a half crackers with peanut butter and started to feel sick so I drank some water and laid down and it went away. My boyfriend made me eat some potatoes (because he's really worried I've not been eating) so I slowly ate mashed potatoes little by little and felt great, but it all went down hill about an hour later I threw up a lot, but again it was all liquid.

I don't know what to do... I have an 8am class tomorrow, followed by three other important classes that I cannot miss, but I'm so embarrassed to run to the bathroom and puke where almost anyone in ear shot can hear me.

I've tried plenty of things, from crackers, to caffeine free soda, even eating apples. I'm scared, confused, and just lost as to what I need to do. This is my first pregnancy, I'm young, and I'm just really scared I won't be keeping enough in me to keep me and the baby healthy.


Thank you ladies so much! I'll definitely be going and getting things to help me. Today (Tuesday) was extremely better for me. I slept the nauseousness off, missed my classes for the day (which I feel horrible about!) but after waking up and slowly eating on an apple and sipping water I felt pretty decent. I managed to get out and go with my boyfriend to the store, but let me tell you walking a long time after being held up in bed for a good three days is not fun! I felt super tired and like I was gonna pass out, but I think it was due to limited liquids and foods. Overall today was much better for me and I can only hope Wednesday is just as good too.

Thanks again for the tips and feedback! I appreciate it a lot!