Ex followed me on IG

So my ex recently followed me on Instagram. Which I found very odd because 1) after he took my V card (literally the next day) he told me he didnt want a relationship (were together for a few months but on and off all throughout high school and jr high) 2)His ex (happens to be on this app so I'm posting anon) was always trying to start sh*t with me claiming I was trying to take him back and what not. Anyways I'm in a whole new relationship been with my man for 4 years now and about to be engaged and all of the sudden my ex decides to add me on IG. Part of me wants to block him but the other likes him seeing me all happy with my new man. He keeps liking all my pictures and is the first one to see my stories. But now my curiosity is kicking in and I kinda want to message him and ask him why the hell is he following me after everything. Should I just go get closure or should I just keep ignoring him?