Stepmom and Social Media


I'm 35w4d and trying to figure this out asap. My stepmother is Facebook-sharing-happy with my stepsister's little one. I'm talking 5-10 photos on social media/day, often more than that... including screen shots that my stepsister sends her that may or may not have been intended for social media/sharing with the world. While that's fine for their family and absolutely between them, my husband and I have decided it's best for us if social media sharing is kept to a minimum for our child, both by us and our families/friends. Has anyone had to have this conversation with a family member who loves to share? How did you explain your desires? I know she likes to share because she is happy and excited to be a grandmother, and there's not any bad intention, but it just doesn't align with our plans. My mom is very easy to talk to, so we have already discussed, my MIL doesn't know how to share on Facebook, and the grandpas don't do social media. My stepmom can be difficult to talk to and has trouble walking in other's shoes, hence my struggle! She's also a bit of a narcissist, so contending with that trait as well. We plan to share a ton in private group texts and via FaceTime with family since we don't live close to everyone/see some of them often, so they'll still have a chance to see our LO, just not comfortable sharing with everyone else on her friends list. Thanks in advance for any advice!