If i had sex two days before my period, and i did start my period, could I get pregnant?

I had sex two days before my period started. And it did start. But for some reason I'm still paranoid that I could be pregnant. I don't know why. We used a condom and he didn't even cum. So I don't know why I'm this paranoid. But I'm just thinking that there's somehow still a chance that since it could take five days after sex to actually be pregnant that somehow even though I had my period there's a chance. I know I'm probably being way too overly paranoid. But my period was also different this time. I've been having a weird brown discharge today. If I'm being stupid just tell me. Like I need to be told that I'm being stupid if I am. I'm gonna go to the doctor to get started on birth control tomorrow so hopefully I won't be as paranoid once I get started on that.

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