AF Late. BFN. High cervix?


I seriously have no clue what it going on w my body. I've been on metformin and it has been regulating my periods. Then this month I'm late so I take a test and nothing. I missed a few days checking my cervix this month but figured AF was coming so it would be lowering by now anyway. I decide why not check it since the witch is late and it's high?! Also no symptoms what so ever except some mild cramping but I've also had an upset stomach (diarrhea not morning sickness. Sorry if TMI) so I just chalked it up to that. Will test again if/when I'm a week late and if still negative I'll go to the doctor and see what the f*** is going on. While I don't want AF here, id rather her show if I'm not preggo so I know what is going on. UGH! So frustrating!!