37 weeks 1 day Labor


Last night around 1130 pm I was getting ready to go upstairs and take my shower when I felt a trickle of fluid. (SN:this had previously happened about 4 days ago but it was only two trickles of fluid so I didn't do much about it.) The fluid continued and continued to trickle even after I emptied my bladder. After emptied my bladder I sat on the toilet for a few minutes and heard something "pour" in the toilet, I stood up and a puddle gushed onto the floor. I immediately grabbed my bag and me and my SO headed to labor and delivery and they checked my fluid and it was indeed my water had ruptured. I am now 3cm and on pitocin. I had no signs that my water was about to break, no contractions, did not lose my mucus plug or anything, patiently waiting on my baby boy to make his arrival today.