Need advice (late period, pregnant or pcos)


I've been on this app for a while and have never posted bc I'm usually to shy, however, I am now at a loss. I'm 25 my husband and I have ttc for about 16 months. In November 2016 my doctor diagnosed me with pcos and put me on metformin 500mg twice a day. My periods have never been normal by any means but the metformin really helped regulate them to where I have been starting every 29-30 days like clockwork for the last 7 months. The metformin also helped me drop a total of 28 lbs and I feel great. I have not been able to conceive on just the metformin though as my doctor expected and she said she feels adding clomid would be the next step. I have put this off for a few months for personal reasons, but back to the point (sorry I felt you all needed some back story lol). I am now 6 days late for my period, I have sore breats and I've been a little bit more moody than normal, no other symptoms that I feel are pregnancy related. My husband and I were only able to have sex once during my last fertile window due to family staying with us. I guess I'm just wondering or needing advice rather, from anyone (especially those with pcos) I'm afraid to test bc each time I get bfn. I'm just confused bc for months now my period has been spot on and this month nothing, no cramps, spotting or other Pms symptoms. So if anyone has any advice or has had something similar to share it would be very helpful. Also, has anyone with pcos been able to conceive just from taking metformin? I apologize for the length of this and for it being all over the place. I was trying to give as much info as possible. Thanks to anyone in advance for their help.