Wanting to TTC, bf is against it... idk what to do ?!

Okay so a little info on bf and I! We are 21 and 22. Both our birthdays are under 6 months away! Been dating for 3 and half years and have mutually agreed we don't want to get married. 2 years ago I had a misscarriage after a pill failure. I didn't even know I was pregnant till it happened sadly! Now two years later all I want is to try for a baby. He wants kids to but all he minds is work and money... he basically says we can't have a baby because he's not rich... we are very financially stable and happy together but he always wants more money. I'm beginning to resent him over this obsession with money controlling how we move forward in our lives. I love him to pieces and he said if we accidentally got pregnant again he'd be thrilled but refuses to actually try... I just don't understand. If I even attempt to bring it up he just gets mad and shuts down... he said he wants a kid by 24 years old but doesn't seem to care that chances are we won't get pregnant the first few months of trying and his 24 birthday is just over a year away... every baby I see is driving me insane, my

Sister had a baby, girls younger then me are on their second and can't even afford the first one and I can't even try for one :( I know I shouldn't be jealous but I miss my

Angel so much...