

I'm having a hard time taking in all this so-called advice from other people. Partially because I keep getting asked really obvious questions like did I try Tums for my heartburn. But also because even though every single pregnancy is different everyone acts like they know exactly what's going on with me. Even people who I haven't talked to in months, or years for that matter, somehow think that they're entitled to tell me how to be pregnant just because they've been pregnant. I wish someone would have warned me about this part of having kids.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the good natured advice that I get from like my mom or my family, or even from the women on here, we're going through at least similar things at the same time. You guys just make me feel like I'm not alone. It's just like everywhere you go people want to give you their advice, completely unsolicited. It's overwhelming.