
I need some help ladies. I am having so much trouble motivating myself to work out every day, and keep to a healthier diet.

A little background; I was 125 in high school (a weight I was comfortable with), but when I got on birth control I went up to 150 (this was at about 16/17). I stayed at that weight until after I had my son (at 20). I was able to lose all the baby weight and then some without even trying, but at 8 weeks postpartum I got put back on birth control. I gained about 20 pounds in less than a year without any change in my diet or activity level. Now fast forward to this year. I am now 22, no longer on birth control, and now at 175😓 I feel awful, and I am not at all comfortable with how I look.

I know I need to eat healthy and workout to get this weight off, but I'm having the hardest time just making myself do it. I feel so exhausted all the time. I'm a stay at home mom with my son, and I watch my niece full time, so I dont have a ton of time on my hands either.

Any suggestions or bits of advice are welcome and appreciated!