Idk what to do?!! Virgin!!

I still consider myself pretty young. I'm going to be turning 18 soon and so will my boyfriend. I've have almost been dating him for 2 years but we've known each other since we were 11 and have always liked each other and we've been best friends since then. He has never ever pressured me into doing something I don't want to and has always asked permission for everything, even with our first kiss. I know I'm going to marry him and we've planned it and all since we've been in each other's lives for so long. I want to take them next big step and give him my virginity We're both virgins, but I'm so afraid of getting pregnant. I want to use protection and not risk it at all but is it worth it?? How do I not get pregnant?? Will it hurt?? Will I miss a period?? When is the best time to do the deed and have a low pregnancy risk. what cycle say or period? I'm so conflicted and naive to this topic. I really need advice please and thank you.