So frustrated!!

I'm extremely frustrated with my in laws! we found out we are pregnant a month ago and kept it a secret because we had a miscarriage the month before. we finally got an ultrasound yesterday and decided ti make the announcement to our families and on Facebook. we didnt experience any congratulations from anyone but of course our siblings. my siblings all were so excited and all congratulated us but my sister in law has yet to even call or msg my husband to say anything. he's been really down specially after seeing that she saw both our snaps were we also announced. a few weeks ago i got into an argument with his family but they were all fine with him, this weekend she even called asking for a ride to a shoe store and acted like everything was ok but now that my husband wants his families love and support shes not even trying. im not planning on saying anything to her because shes going to miss out on my kids but its upsetting to see my husband this way