Boyfriend says ex ruined him...

I've been with my bf for 3 years now. We met in high school so we know pretty much all the same people. A year before we started dating, he ended things with his on again off again gf of 2 years. They started dating when he was in 8th grade & she in 10th 🤦‍♀️ I used to actually be sort of friends with her, but really didn't like her because she would always be jumping from one guy to another (mostly all younger than her). TBH she isn't that attractive so I think that's why. Anyways...she apparently would always manipulate him & make him think a certain way. While she was with him, she'd talk to other guys & tell my bf if he wants to be with her he has to do certain things for him it's to prove it. He would always seek for her approval because he thought it was okay for her to do those things. She would even tell him that she's choosing between him & another guy AS THEYRE DATING. He told me he would always worry where they stood, but soon realized she wasn't worth it.

My bf has always played football & during these 2 years he stopped focusing on it because he was so worried about their relationship. He now plays college football, but still attributes his football struggles to her. He always tells me how grateful he is for me & that I helped him get back to the person he really is. It's just that...he always talks about it. Like once every 2-3 weeks. I even stalked her to see where she's at (I refused to accept her friend request) & now she's "engaged" but my bf doesn't know. I feel so bad that I'm annoyed by this, but I just am. I think that's in the past & it made him a better person & learn from those mistakes, but I don't want hear about it constantly. She's honestly non existent to me. How do I even confront him on this?