I want a breast reduction but he doesn't let me..

Paulina • 23. Los Angeles. Mommy of a beautiful 7 year old boy and a two month old baby boy!
Hey girls, I've been struggling all my life with large breasts. When I was 12 years old I already had c cups. Now I'm 22 and have triple Ds. All my life I've been bullied and never been taken serious by guys(somehow they think I'm a slut because I have big boobs?🙄) I dont wear any clothes that will show my bust because I automatically look like I'm trying to show off my boobs, even the tiniest cleavage makes them look like I'm trying to flash them around. So I've decided next year I'm doing a breast reduction, only problem is that my boyfriend is completely against it. It's understandable.. he is a guy. He says if I diet and work out a lot they can naturally go down but I mean I know I'm super lazy and I'm not gonna go through with it because I've tried, also, I've been super skinny and my boobs never change because they've always been naturally big so it's not a weight thing. I'm between doing what I've always dreamed off or doing it his way. I feel like it's my body and I can do what ever I want to it but he says that after that I'm gonna get addicted to surgery and blah blah blah. I swear I want to smack the shit out of him sometimes lol. Anyway, what should I do? 😢