Weight gain fluctuating a lot?

Is this normal? I went into the doctors and weight 203. I weighed 184 my first appointment. I weighed myself tonight- three days later- and I was at 193. My scale is pretty close to theirs, because I weighed myself right after the appointment at home and it said I was 202.

The morning of my appointment I had a huge smoothie, two bottles of water, and the night before I had a heavy dinner, and had yet to make a bm before being weighed.

At the appointment my doctor told me I had gained too much weight, and made it seem like all I eat is junk, and that's far from true- I eat lots of dark greens, I hardly ever eat red meats (like once/twice a month), veggies, smoothies with fruit and vedge, organic cereals, hardly any milk (always 2% when I do), oat nut bread instead of white, etc. I'm wondering if it's normal to have that much extra weight from a heavy meal and large amount of liquids for breakfast.

Should I not eat breakfast and eat light the night before I weigh in so it doesn't tip the scale so hard? I feel like the last time they weighed me it was way off the norm. When I did have a bm after the appointment it was bigger.

Idk maybe I am just gaining weight too fast, but I checked my weight tonight in the baby center weight calculator and it said I was right on track (I had food all day and had my bm early in the day).