'Don't Say That!'

Tonight I went with my boyfriend to watch Fear the Walking Dead with his mother. This is a minor spoiler... so if you're not caught up, maybe don't read? (I don't know character names, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ decide for yourself)

We got to the scene where a guy willingly stabbed himself in the hand with an exposed knife to obtain it. I was obviously surprised, grossed out, and a bit spooked. My immediate response was, 'JESUS CHRIST!' And her immediate response to my response was, 'Don't say that!'

I am 22 years old, not religious, and my parents never filtered my vocabulary, even when we were avid church goers. I haven't told my boyfriend's parents that I'm agnostic, but have a feeling that it may cause some issues... So I was a bit taken aback. At first, I didn't even realize that she was talking about ME. I did however apologize and explain my 'outburst'.

I've got her first grandkid on the way... My boyfriend and I have discussed church and how we won't be doing a christening or attending services. Neither of us are religious and we don't want to go just because our church going families think we should... I'm worried that she's going to filter the way my child behaves and speaks even though this child isn't hers. I am fine with respecting a household that isn't yours, but if she comes over to my home and my child says, 'Jesus Christ.' I don't think I'll be okay if she tells them to not say that.

Not trying to be offensive, just wanted to share my worries and frustration.