help - first trimester and barely working out


I had these great plans of staying active in my first trimester and working out 3-5 times a week.. I did great until about 6 weeks... I'm 10 weeks now and I think I've exercised 2 or 3 times in the past 4 weeks altogether. I feel like such a failure!! I haven't had much vomiting but I get nauseous in the evenings which is when I normally work out. And I'm constantly battling fatigue... like, I struggle to stay awake at work. And when I get home, I crash.

Any tips for how to get back in my routine? the nausea is starting to ease up quite a bit so it's mostly just fatigue I'm dealing with now and I feel like I need to just push through and exercise anyway. Hoping some of you ladies understand and can give me some advice!!