Getting married?!???

Dianda • A girl with high curiosity for every little things around her. In a relationship.

Sooo, I'm in a relationship with my bf since April. He is three years older than me (I'm 21 and in final year of college).

Even before we started dating, I knew that he wanted to be married young. Specifically on his 25th (which is next year). Last month, he explicitly said that he wanted to marry me as soon as I graduate. And I was like super panicked and screaming inside.

Don't get me wrong, I do love him very much. He's very husband material. Before him, I was in a bad relationship where I was constantly lied to, cheated on, and forced to do things. He understands that and he's been sooo patient with me. He's a wonderful guy and I just love him so much💕💋

But sometimes I'm just not sure about getting married so soon. I just feel like there are things, opportunities that I'll miss if I get married that young. I'm a very ambitious person. I have dreams that I wanna achieve, career and personal wise. But other times, I'm like: yes please, let's get married soon. Especially when he's being so attentive or telling me the stuff he's doing to prepare for providing to me. Idk, it just calls to something within me to know that he wanna take a good a care of me.

We talked about it. I told him about (some) of my concern like I want to find a job and settled into work life before getting married. I told him to at least give me a year after graduation. He understands and agreed to that. But sometimes he's just like 'come on babe that's too long.' I'm not sure if that's serious or is he just being playful?!?! And when my resolve are weakened or when I'm playful I just say: 'well, convince me then'.

Both of our parents support his idea. Especially his. But yeaaaa sometimes I just feel unsure. But at the same time I don't wanna loose him bcs I'm afraid that I won't find anyone as great as he is.

What should I do? What made you sure that you SO is the one and you are ready to marry him?