
I am miserable... I feel like I'm doing this all on my own... One minute I'm okay and the next I'm not. I feel like it's just a front when I'm "okay". I hate my life for some reason. I am 4 weeks PP. I hate being married, I hate where I live (just moved) and I hate that I am constantly the one taking care of the baby. Like, do I get a break? I'm exhausted to. Constant headaches. Sleep deprived and I'm not eating. Not that I don't want to I just don't have the energy and I can't find the time because I'm too busy taking care of the baby. I just want to run away from all of this! I wish I can erase everything. Why do I have conflicted feelings? I love my child but I don't feel up to being a parent. Husband is asleep.... While im with the screaming baby. I'm ready to walk away.