VENT/RANT 😤 kinda long...

Alexis • Millennial mommy 👩‍👧

Before I start I wanna let this be known...I love my fiancées family. They mean well and I know that they care for us and our baby girl very much. However the way that I take care of my baby girl is much different than their ways and today just ticked me off.

We had a party for my fiancées nephews birthday at the neighborhood park. My fiancée couldn't make it bc of work so it was just me and our daughter. As soon as I show up, my MIL welcomes herself to take my daughter out of her stroller and hold her. I'm fine with her holding her but being at the park, I'm a little more nervous because of the concrete grounds. But on top of that, she gets her chocolatey caked fingers all over my daughters shirt and mittens. I didn't say anything though. I just brushed it off bc it's just chocolate...I guess 🙄 then my fiancées other nephew, he's around 5, comes up and touches her arms and FACE. At this point I said "no no not on the face..." yet my MIL continued to allow him to fuckin KISS HER ON THE FACE! Like...didn't I just make it known to not touch her face, especially being at the park, germs and all. Yet you allow a kiss?!?! That ticked me tf off. I didn't say anything after that bc if I opened my mouth nothing good would be coming out.

That isn't all. After she's done holding her, she passes my daughter to my fiancées cousin without asking me first. My daughter starts getting fussy (thank god) so I take her and when I'm about to put her back in her stroller, some lady, a family-friend or whatever the fuck she is, grabs her with her nasty chocolate fingers too! I bite my tongue, let her hold her for a few seconds, then I finally say "ok well I think it's time for us to go. It's getting windy." I put my daughter in the stroller, pack up the diaper bag, say a quick bye to everyone, then walk away.

My fiancées cousin then approaches me and says "if you need a date night I can watch her!" Mind you she lives with my MIL, BIL, and her 2 yr old son. I reply with "you can watch her AND your son? Omg I would die" what I really wanted to say was "yeah I think the fuck not"

My fiancée is at work rn so I'm gonna wait until he's on break to tell him what happened. I'm supposed to be going back to work soon but at this point I feel like I can't trust anyone to watch or care for my daughter the way I want it to be. 😭😓