Febrile Seizures


A week and a half ago I put my perfectly happy and healthy almost 10 month old baby girl to sleep. 3 hours later she made one sound which made me look at the video monitor and she was seizing. I ran into her room and grabbed her.. lips blue. I thought she was dying. After rushing to the ER, I'm told that is actually fairly common and and 1 in 25 babies between 6 months and 6 years old will have them and it is caused by quick spike in fever. They did tests for a fever or something viral to no avail. We saw our saw our family doctor the next day and he said there was a 30% chance she will continue to have them when her fever spikes... I'll take those odds. Nope. A week and a half later, she seizes again.. for 8 minutes this time and at a temp of 39 (out of nowhere). I'm told these can be hereditary as her father had them every fever from 18 months to 6 years old. I guess I just wanted see if anyone else is in the same boat as me. If you Are, I fell you. The tiny helpless shaking body, the blue lips, the disorientation and rolling eyes. Absolutely the most terrifying moments of my life.