trying to move on...


It's a super surreal and long story...i met him in the 5th grade and of course the whole "crush/young love" thing happened it was so cute then we parted ways until a year after we both finished high school we rekindled through a mutual friend..i had been surprised that we hadn't seen each other sooner bc we were always close in distance to each other yet always bypassing one another until that day in Feb i was taking our mutual friend home and he was there i knew he would be bc her BD was there and they were friends so we got to her house soon as i walked thru the door i felt his eyes on me but when i would look at him he'd act as if he wasn't looking so i picked with him asking him to do small meaningless things for me just to see if he'd do them and he did. my personality is aggressive in nature and he's more passive and i love that about him idk we just kinda you know fit...we stayed there for hours that night watching 2 or 3 different movies in silence at our friends house just sitting beside each other i mean no cuddling or anything (so innocent right smh) it was so annoying lol but i liked it so anyway i was getting tired so i woke our friend up cuz she had fell asleep like on the first movie and told her we were leaving. he told me good night in a long drawn out way with a whole lot of eye kisses and shit i pulled off first driving home i couldn't get him off my mind and somehow o knew he couldn't get me off of forward a lil a few days pass and i get his number from our friend and i text him to come over and watch a movie we ended watching vampire diaries which is my fav show and he actually ended up really liking it and i was so surprised which made me like him more it was crazy yall anyway it was right before valentine's day which i always hated but i figured i'd play with him a bit so i tell him i want an ipad and he says ok i'm like didn't really expect it just wanted to hear his response then we kept watching the show he was a gentleman i cuddled on him but he didn't place his hands anywhere but my shoulders and barely said two words cause he's shy as a started to figure out then which i think is cute he stayed for hours until real late like 3 and then went home...we would text which isnt his strong suit so i'd always ask him to come over because his energy is so safely sedating its unreal yall but i didn't want to be without it so he ended up coming over again few weeks later...with an ipad like you're kidding right and he just handed it to me unwrapped no card or flowers lol and i thought it was funny and sweet idk and we were just inseparable ever since...i told him he was my boyfriend jokingly but i wasn't playing and he had later told me he didn't care if i was joking or not he was lol. we definitely had gotten to know each other spending so much of our time together he would come over after work early in the morning and we'd just sleep together so peacefully we had a simple love something that i've never felt and honestly never even witnessed and i felt blessed. he's a very smart calm sweet patient funny man just a few qualities to describe him for you guys it was almost as if i could do no wrong and he would love me forever. well one day he came to my house from work and i was up that day working from home and he went in bed and fell asleep how he always does minutes pass and i hear an distinct sound coming from my bedroom i tried to ignore it bc it was almost like snoring but it wasn't... when i opened the door i saw him fighting for conciousness fluid coming out of his nose and mouth everything after this point happened so fast yet i remember everything i called 911 immediately i spat out my address before i could even tell her what the problem was im taking instructions from the dispatcher while waiting for the first responders (THANK GOD FOR FIRST RESPONDERS THEY ARE ANGELS IN HUMAN FORM) im administering cpr at this point and talking to him in hopes he can hear my voice FINALLY the ambulance arrives im sorry but it felt like forever i didn't want to leave his side even for a second but i knew i had to unlock the door for them to get in they hurried in they couldn't get a pulse or anything i knew they had to use everything in their kit to get him back bc they didnt leave the parking lot for awhile but he finally came back i do believe he was in between this world and the next but i'm glad he chose to come back to this one...his beliefs and mine are the same and we both feel the same way about this...i was just happy he was alive. Now to what happened to him ...To Be Continued....