Dear dad

Dear dad,

I always wondered who you were, what you were like, why you were gone... etc.! Growing up was hard! I loved the idea of having a father, yet I hated that I didn't know him. Life would've been so different had you stuck around and been a parent! I would've had more self worth and self respect. I wouldn't have filled the void of your absence with ll the stupidity i did! I wouldn't be in such a terrible emotional state. I hate what you did to my brothers when they were kids.... they didn't deserve it! I can't believe you broke my heart to the point where I felt like love was nothing. You have the nerve to say that you've always loved me. If that were true, why wasn't I enough for you to show it?? The only thanks I can give you, is I know exactly what not to do with your grandson. He will always have me by his side, bc I could never wish upon anyone the feeling of not being good enough for the person whom helped create you. I hope one day you realize the pain you've caused me. I just hope you understand that no one ruined it but you! I hope God blesses you with everything you deserve according to him. I'll never know what it's like to have my dad at my college graduation, but i can for sure say, my mom had more balls than he ever did and i couldn't be happier than to watch her smile at me when I walk the stage and thank her for never leaving my side and always pushing me further until I felt confident in myself. My mom is my dad , and I thank god he gave her strength like no other to prove to me I have always been worth the headaches.