Call Me Crazy?

So my boyfriend (of almost 6 years) and I are having our second child together. Once this baby comes, we will need to put our older 2 girls (oldest is not mine, just his) into the same bedroom. Our 2 year old is still in a toddler bed but we plan on putting her in a twin once they share the bedroom. He told me he spoke to his mom today about using his old bed that she has at her house. Now, the problem I have with this is that he had carved his and his ex's initials with a heart around it, into the wood rails of that bed. I told him I didn't want that bed for our daughter because it wouldn't be fair for me to have to see that every damn day. Now, this isn't just an ex gf, this is his first love who he held onto for YEARS after they broke up and I had found out about a year into our relationship that he still had feelings for her which was obviously very upsetting for me and I still to this day question whether he still has feelings for her even though they haven't spoken in 4ish years. It's just something that I cannot get past. Would it be wrong in your opinion for me to refuse to use that bed for our child? I feel as though my feelings are completely justified but at the same time I kinda feel like a psycho. BUT it's the way I feel and I can't help it. He mentioned just sanding it down and somehow removing the carving so I don't have to look at it. But my crazy, sentimental self feels like just knowing what was there is going to still bother me. Would you feel the same way? Someone please tell me I'm not completely crazy for feeling like this....