PP period question


Hello. So I need a little advice from some of the other ladies that have gone through this before. I am a first time mom and gave birth in Feb. I only bleed for a couple weeks and had the lochia that seemed to stop before the bleeding did. I breast feb for the first couple of months until I went back to work and dried up so my period was late getting started; had my first period in jun. I expected that. First couple were kinda heavy but normal for me. My question is this: is it still normal or expected to have lochia with my period? My current period is really just spotting that is dark red and sometimes a little pink but mostly appears to still be lochia. I am also a little terrified that the spotting is implant bleeding and I might be pregnant again bit if I am it's too early for a test 🤔 Is it common for other women to have this or is it something I should follow up with my dr? Appreciate other experiences please!