Daytime sleep out of whack

Beth • Happily married 💍 Mumma of two perfect little bubbas, Oliver and Evelyn 🦖🌈

Hey ladies,

So My son will be 2 weeks old tomorrow... can't believe it's gone so fast :(

Anywho... his night time sleeps are so much better, pretty much sleeping through until he wants a feed which is great. However his day time sleep is totally crazy.

I know babies have "awake" time but his awake time is restless and fighting sleep and crying. Usually taking him for a car ride helps and puts him to sleep but I can't do that everyday.

Any suggestions to help him sleep a little better during the day?? Or am I just paranoid and should leave him to sleep when he wants to... it's just so upsetting seeing him cry until he does eventually fall asleep