sexually frustrated forever

anonymous whine fest? dont mind if i do.

so im single and i dont really enjoy being in relationships tbh, or at least dont usually want them, and definitely havent met the right person.

i am an eternal bachelorette and thats cool with me! i love going out with new people and flirting my pants off every day. esp bc i work in the service industry. i meet hotties and cool people constantly.

i enjoy being sexual with new partners and people im seeing, but ive been declining on having sex for the last year least. casual sex, actual sex, usually isnt that great for me!

so im like....abstaining from SEX but not foreplay but im honestly driving myself insane because i want to get fucked SO BADLY. im doing it to myself. theres no one i want to be in a relationship with, casual sex doesnt mean good sex, and im sick of masturbating. UGH.