Relationship SOS.


My boyfriend recently got back from Europe while he was out doing a mission for about six months. This being said, before he left and while he was out there we had problems with other girls getting in the way. He wasn't technically flirting with them or engaging, but many of these girls had some kind of history with him. I'm not saying that I'm at all innocent either, I made mistakes. We both have. This being said, is it normal to be cautious and worried about them still even though we've gotten over it? I don't know what to do. I want to love him as he truly is, because honestly he's a completely different person now since we've been back physically together. Anyone been through something similar, or can any of you help? I'm head over heels in love, and if you knew me I'm not someone who trusts people or who gets close enough to even say the "I love you" and actually mean it. We talk about possibly getting married in the future which I want with every fiber of myself, however I need to be able to move past this... any advice will help.