This is long I’m sorry


I have to talk a little about my fiancé and how wonderful he is. A little back history on me I met my ex husband in 2010 we were engaged 2011 married 2012. fast forward his part to 2015 they found a mass in my breast we knew it was a sub Ariola abscess I had mammograms biopsy’s and the surgeries started in March I had major surgery then and again in may and again in July with minor surgeries in between to drain the infections when my surgery in July happened the abscess was 5.5cm. They left my breast open and let it heal from the inside out. That day my ex husband kept stepping out and taking phone calls and saying it was work and he couldn’t get the time off so he left my ass in pre op with my mom thank god. Fast forward to August I had to have another minor procedure in my local er the night before my cousins wedding he played on his phone all the time I was there at the wedding same thing that Saturday was his nieces birthday And I grabbed his phone because he’s been taking pictures of the family to see if he got everyone or if we needed to take some more and there’s a dick pic so I log into my Phone account and I’m looking he been texting this girl the whole time I was having my procedure done through my cousins wedding and his nieces birthday party and while I’m sleeping next to him we decide to do marriage counseling we do that for about a month I get a phone call stating hey babe I just got a call from a federal agent stating I’ve been sexting a 16-year-old I need 385 to stay out of jail. I went and rented a storage shed and this bought some totes I moved out that very night and filed for divorce. Well as it played out he had a girlfriend he had been at her house when I had surgery in July he has a four-year-old son with her. Now onto my fiancé I met Ryan March 2016 I had just had a partial Masctomey in January of that year So I was feeling pretty down about myself. Me and Ryan started dating in April I was housesitting for a friend he come over and he never left the whole time I was housesitting he would help me he would take care of her animals if I was not feeling good cook supper draw a bath. So with my history of coarse I have my doubts this is too good to be true he’s just in it for sex which after being with somebody for five years sex was great with other people but in July he proposed we went to a country festival where I contracted mrsa had to have surgery upon returning home he went with me to every appointment and follow up and wound care appointment. We found out we were pregnant after my surgery I ended up loosing that baby. Devastated us I told him he could go ahead and leave I was broken. Fast forward a year and a half we are still together and we have the most amazing son this man reminded me what it was like to be loved and that I was not as broken as I thought.