How did you feel days or weeks before labor?

Kaia • " Teen Mom ". Having my baby girl in October! Can't wait 😍

I'm so anxious I just want her to come out. She's due October 24. I'm 36 weeks exactly tomorrow.

So I'm also 1cm and 59% effaced ( last doctors visit though, last Tuesday ) so I'm not sure if I've dilated more. I've felt lots of sharp pain in my pelvic area, very heavy and lots of pressure. She feels sooo low, I dropped or "turned" about two or three weeks ago maybe? She's super low now though. Feels like in the last two days she's really dropped lower tho. I'm so tired, always out of breath from walking up the stairs or to the kitchen I have to take breaks lol I swear.. Also I'm so tired. I have no energy and feel sick.

BUT just 2 or 3 days ago I felt none of this, I was full of energy, she wasn't so heavy on my pelvis, I wasn't so out of breath.

I'm a FTM and I'm always asking questions so forgive me if this is stupid to ask lol.. or for advice. I just want to get an idea of what other mamas felt closer to their DD 😊