How or do you disclose your status?

I’m new here and being unaware of the rules posted this question anonymously on another board. So I’m moving it here.

I will start by saying that I was diagnosed with HSV-2 almost 2 years ago and have not been able to muster up the nerve to trust a partner enough (I’ve been abstinent since my diagnosis) to disclose and I don’t think it’s fair to treat someone they way I was treated. I was lied to and wasn’t given a choice and I would never want someone to go through what I’ve gone through.

**UPDATE** I would disclose if I were sexually active. I know it’s illegal and unethical to have sex with someone knowing that you have any STD even though it was done to me.

We all know that STI’s are very common but some tend to carry a higher stigma than the others. HSV 1 and 2 are extremely common but people who have it are treated as if they were a leper. It’s is not a life threatening STI and to me having a ‘cold sore’ or ‘ fever blister’ is slightly more acceptable (HSV-1) than having genital herpes (HSV-2). Even though a person with oral herpes can pass it on to another persons genitals via oral sex.

With that being said. If you are infected with genital and/or oral herpes. Do you disclose? Do you disclose before sex even comes up or do you wait until you think you want to be serious with that person? Does it depend if you’re having an outbreak or not? Does it depend if you are engaging in casual sex or if you desire an relationship with the other person? Have you had successful relationships after disclosing?

If you do not have it would you give some one a chance if they were up front and honest with you?

Answer all or answer some. I’m just curious.