Worst moment but the best

I was giving my man head for the 2nd time , I’m very new and dont know what to do

The first time I did it I was sooooo Horny like I don’t even remember doing it

The second time which was yesterday was the funniest thing ever

I’ve been away for a month and right before my period I get so horny so I was sexting my man while I was over seas

Yesterday I saw him for the first time , we spent an. Hour in his car

I went to give him head at first I was doing my thang well trying to and all I hear is

‘Babe you comfortable’ I hummed mmhm and then I stopped bobbing I got up and looked at him and we just laughed because I hummed back while giving head HAHAHAH

I went back then all I hear is

‘Doing a good job keep up the good work’

I stopped again and for a good five minutes we were laughing

I told him to stop commentating and let me do me

Then before I went back down I told him don’t cum in my mouth your juice taste like shit

He said okay

I went back down and then the ass didn’t listen to me as soon as I started to feel his cum I got up

With my hand on my mouth and his hand on top of his dick trying to control his cum we both died of laughter

Andway long story short he ended up changing in a car park at night because he got his clothes dirty and now he won’t let me touch him because I make him cum too fast HAHAHAHAHA

It was honestly so embarrassing and funny and I wouldn’t have had it with anyone else he just laughed with me and it’s a moment we will never forget