Divorce after 22 years....

Well my mom just told me a couple days ago that she and my step dad are getting divorced, they’ve been married for 22 years.

But he wants her to sign everything (house, car, even the kids) over to him. He wants full custody of the kids, the house, the money, everything.

And it just makes me so mad. She’s been a stay at home mom of her 7 kids for the last 23 years and now all the sudden he wants to just take everything. She’s gonna have to find a job, house, insurance, everything and I just feel so bad for her. I’m trying to get her to just get a lawyer and fight it out in court but she doesn’t want to put the kids through it 😔 (I’ve got 5 younger siblings still living at home)

I told her she could move in with me but I don’t have a spare room and she doesn’t want to worry about being in the way. I just wish there was more I could do for her 😭😭

My husband and I thought about adding on to our house for her to have a room but we’ve got to get finances sorted out and see if that’s even possible with our second baby due next month.

I’m just so angry and stressed and sad. My step dad has been mentally abusive to her for years and she’s just dealt with it and recently he’s begun getting physical as well. He also hacked her phone and iPad to “keep up with her”

He’s got an app on his phone that tracks her phone so he knows where she always is etc it’s just ridiculous.

I just need to vent I guess, I’m just feeling so bad right now with nobody to talk to about it cause my mom doesn’t like discussing it