need to vent

I've been posting about how over and done I am with my boyfriend and his family..yesturday/last night takes the cake he comes home from work does his school work then gets on his game like he does everyday leaves me with both the kids alone then at about 2 am he gets off his game expecting sex from me mind you I've delt with kids all day cleaned the whole house cause his mom and dad decided to leave two sinks full of dishes trash and cups everywhere then cooked dinner cleaned up from dinner gave the kids their bath did story time and movie time then put them to bed all by myself while he played his stupid game am I wrong for not wanting to have sex with him?? I mean by the time my kids (19 months& 2 month) go to sleep I'm exhausted not to mention I'm becoming restful toward him cause i feel like all he does second to working and doing his schoolwork is play his game I can't even get him to take out the trash