How do you do it??


After a long and stressful day at work today, I go to my in laws house to pick up my daughter. They live right next door to us :/ Well FIL makes a comment while I'm back there about how when he was at the house today to get her he noticed the sink was full of dishes. Now my boyfriend works a lot but he doesn't help with anything around the house when he's home. it's frustrating but I'm used to it. So, I know that he was more commenting on the fact that my boyfriend didn't/doesnt do the dishes when he is home in the morning. But it totally makes me feel like shit when he says anything like that because I'm the one who does the housework. So because it wasn't done, I feel at fault. We have 4 people living in this house and we have 2 dogs, I do ALL of the cleaning/picking up around here. I soooo badly wanted to just be like "if it's bothering you so bad, get your ass down there and wash them" WHY in the FUCK do people feel the need to comment on shit like that?? Really, you have TWO people living in your home, obviously your mess is a lot smaller than what ours is. My kids are not living in filth, and my house is not disgusting because the sink has dishes in it. OMFG I cannot wait to move away from these people. I should not have to feel all the pressure I put on myself to keep a clean home and them get people who don't even live here making comments about it. I fucking try okay!? sometimes it's just really hard to keep up. Especially when I work 7 days a week and come home and have to clean, make dinner, potty train, make sure the dogs go outside, and somehow be able to give my kids the love and attention they need. So sick of it. I'm literally crying right now because I feel like a fucking failure. How on earth do you working mama's keep up on everything?? I'm in serious need of tips because I can't keep living like this and feeling like my house needs to be spotless at all times just to impress people who decide to show up whenev we r they feel like it usually (today obviously he was getting our daughter but most of the time they just show up whenever they feel like it without calling first. I need to move. Far far away from them. On top of it all, we will be adding another beautiful baby to our family is about 7 months. I don't know what to do, I try so hard to keep this place clean but when you're the only one who picks up after the mess that 3 other people make, it's hard so fucking hard to keep up when you have no help. I'm losing my shit right now. Then they have the nerve to ask if I wanna stay for dinner. My response was "oh no, apparently I have shit to do at home"