Engaged in college???


Has anyone on here have been or is currently engaged in college? Even if you haven't or aren't I would still like your input. My boyfriend and I have know since we started dating (just about 2 years ago now) that we want to get married. But I'm still a junior in college—I'm also going to grad school after my undergrad—and he is graduating this May.

Lately, we've been talking more and more about getting engaged. I want him to propose but at the same time I don't. I definitely do not want to get married in college and I'm not sure how I'd feel about a long engagement. But I want to marry him so if he asked I would 100% say yes.

The thing is that he kinda hinted that he wants to propose soon to me yesterday. I don't know how soon "soon" is but that is what he told me (well the gist of it). Anyways, he also said he wanted to get me sized because I have no idea what my ring size is. He wants to go this


So, on the one hand, I'm really really excited that he might be proposing in the next few months. But on the other hand, there is no way in hell that I'm going to be getting married in college so it wouldn't be until fall of 2019 at the earliest.

What do you all think about being engaged in college? Am I overthinking this? If you have personal experience with it please share if you're comfortable!

Thanks so much!