First Month OPK's


Alright ya'll, I just came to give basically a PSA to everyone who may need to hear this.

This was my first month using OPK's. I started using them 2 days before my fertile window (according to Glow) and nothing. I thought I didn't ovulate this month due to lots of stress I'm under. I wasn't seeing any CM either which was really odd for me. I'm usually extremely regular in my cycles.

I decided two days ago to stop testing after my lines were basically fading to nothingness. Well today I woke up and had a LOT of egg white CM so I decided to test mid afternoon and got an immediate and very strong positive!

I just wanted to post anyway in case anyone needed some encouragement or was new to OPK's like me and wanted to see how they might look. The app is not always correct, listen to your body and baby dust to everyone! 💕