false rape charges and false pregnancies...


im feeling annoyed right now not sure if i have the right to be or not. so my fiancees sisters daughter has tried to charge half the men in their family including my fiance with sexual assault/rape. The cases have all been dismissed because of her faulty statements and getting caught in her lies. in the last year she has been pregnant and miscarried 6 times now actually pregnant she has been smoking weed for the entire 6 months that shes been pregnant and today called us this morning saying she was in labour... the doctor checked her sent her home saying it was just back pain. this happened twice today and she was checked and sent home twice for back pain (not actual labour) now we just got another call saying she is in labour.. not sure what to believe anymore she just turned 20 smokes alot of dope and just called her grandma a week ago to see if she could move in and her grandma is 67 yrs old. i can see her grandma raiaing her kid. im just annoyed and think she is young and not mature enough or responsible enough to be carrying or raising a child. Not everyone gets this chance and shes abusing it!!