How do you discipline your child?

My son is two and has started acting TERRIBLE. He gets into everything, breaks everything, gets a nasty little attitude, will hit you when you’re getting on to him sometimes, throws things when he’s angry sometimes at the floor sometimes at people. I could make a long list of things he does, my main problem is him getting into everything in the world, things that don’t belong to him. I’ve tried time outs, I’ve tried talking calmly to him about it, I’ve tried every single thing you can try besides spanking and that’s the very last thing I want to do but nothing else is working, I’ve stayed consistent with the punishments but nothing I do works. I’m going insane, I’m a single mom so I don’t really have any help plus I’m a first time mom so I of course never experienced this problem before.

Oh and another HUGE issue I have is that he acts out in public so bad, it’s to the point that if I never had to leave my house I wouldn’t.

I just need any advice I can get.