My husband is juggling grief and joy 😢


My husbands mum passed away quite suddenly at the end of August; she went into hospital poorly to be told her cancer had returned and was very advanced, she passed away in hospital 10 days later. She was only 53.

It was this which prompted us to stop putting off a family for "the right time" and begin TTC, we've been very lucky to be successful on our first month and we got our BFP on Sunday, with the funeral taking place on the Monday (it took some time to arrange due to various reasons).

My husband is obviously so excited and happy, he's told his twin sister, but we were taking about other people we wanted to tell and he said "my mum would have been so happy. I don't have anybody else who I'm desperate to tell." My heart broke a little 😢

I'll ask him whether he does or doesn't want to be with me when I tell my mum and dad. This isn't his first child but our first together. I don't know how else to support him to deal with these conflicting emotions.

Anyone been though anything similar?