Less of a rant more of a mental break down in the works

Ok, so. Even though Hubs and I have good paying salary jobs we still live pay check to pay check. He teaches and gets paid once a month and it's 4 times what I make every 2 weeks. Well his check is already gone. I just got paid in the 23rd and my check is gone too. I do t get paid again until the 7th and him the 10th.

I only have 1/4 tank of gas and I dive 116 mile commute M-F. Bills and whatnot are paid but I don't have money for gas. I am so stressed out by worrying about this and trying to figure out what to do I'm about to puke and cry at the same time.

I do t want to ask my parents for money because they just gave me some before I got paid to get gas plus it's not their responsibility. I just am at a huge loss and don't know what to do.