Positive OPK on CD 9???

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

Currently on my third round of Femara (7.5 mg, CD 3-7). My OBGYN's instructions told me to start using OPKS on CD 11, but I had the instinct to start testing a bit earlier this round, since the higher my dose of Femara, the shorter my cycle seems to get, so I started CD 8. On CD 8, the test line was already looking pretty dark, and then CD 9, it looked just as dark, if not darker, than the control line! These are the darkest OPKS I've seen since March, but CD 9 seems a bit early to be getting such results... did I start testing too soon, or could this be real? For reference, with Round 1 of Femara, if I did O, it wasn't till CD 35. With Round 2, my doctor confirmed I did in fact O, but weakly, around CD 21. Here's a pic of my OPKS for this round thus far. Thoughts?