Doctor won't help me :-(

Jessica • Married 2015. 👼 7.14.17 / 🌈 👶🏻 💙 2/27/19! “We prayed. God answered!”

Here’s the deal. I had a MC via D&C; July 14. 5 weeks later I ovulated and 14 days after that I got my period…a perfect 28 day cycle. Now, in my second cycle I ovulated a whole week late on day 18. If I have another 28 day cycle, I’d get my period tomorrow but the length of time before OV and AF will have only been 9-10 days which I know is too short and considered irregular. Every day since I ovulated…so for the past 10 days, I’ve had cramping, abdominal tightness, bloating, sore boobs the last 2-3 days, spotting when I wipe a few times a day (pink, brown, sometimes light red) and mucus…shouldn’t mucus dry up after OV? My cervix feels a bit lower and hard so I feel like AF is coming, but it’s the timing of this cycle overall that has me concerned, as well as the spotting. This morning I wiped and had a whole lot of (sorry TMI) mucus mixed with pink/red blood…quite a lot actually. Now I’m wearing a bad and haven’t had really any more except a little bit. WHAT IS GOING ON?! I call my OB and the nurse says I’m fine and it’ just a hormonal thing. Well a “hormonal thing” will make it really hard to get pregnant again if it’s serious. It’s like they don’t want to take me seriously and help. Anyone else have issues like this after a normal cycle post MC?