Period or ovulating ?


So My next period is suppose to start next Friday ...ive been taking ovulation test since last Saturday , which were either negative or very faint , my ovulation sundown was last week , but now I’m getting a pretty strong ovulation test positive about. So as of last Thursday my hcg was at a 4, but the Thursday before was at 7 hcg was dropping from a previous miscarriage. Here are my hcg numbers I would of thought after 7 I would of been to 0, because it’s a week after. But I was at 4. So I’m confused if I’m just now ovulating or if I’m getting a positive because I’m pregnant again ? These are my test from last week compared to today when my ovulation window has been over , I’m so close to my period ? I’m having some discharge and cm is creamy. The first picture is Monday -Wednesday last week. The 2nd is today